15 septembre 2022
12h00 - 13h00 HAE
10h00 - 11h00 HAR
09h00 - 10h00 HAP
Dr. Christopher Chan
Director – Division of Nephrology –
UHN R Fraser Elliott Chair In Home Dialysis
Professor of Medicine – University of Toronto
Deputy Physician In Chief of Economics Toronto, ON

À la fin de cette activité d’apprentissage, les participants seront mieux en mesure de :
  • Reconnaître les risques associés à une posologie sous-optimale et à l’arrêt de l’ISRAA en raison d’une hyperkaliémie chronique.
  • Repérer de manière proactive les patients atteints ou risquant d’être atteints d’hyperkaliémie chronique.
  • Optimiser l’utilisation des thérapies de protection des organes dans le cadre de la gestion de l’hyperkaliémie chronique.

Christopher Chan graduated from the Faculty of Medicine, University of Toronto in 1995. After completing his post-graduate training in internal medicine and nephrology at the University of Toronto, he pursued further training in cardiovascular physiology. He joined the Division of Nephrology at the Toronto General Hospital, University Health Network in 2002. He is presently Director of the Division of Nephrology, Professor of Medicine and holds the R Fraser Elliott Chair in Home Dialysis. Dr. Chan is also the Deputy Physician in Chief of Economics at the University Health Network. He also serves as Associate Editor for the Clinical Journal of the American Society of Nephrology.

He has contributed over 200 peer reviewed articles and has written several book chapters in the field of home dialysis. His current research interests include the clinical, genomic physiological changes of intensive hemodialysis, cardiovascular disease in chronic kidney disease and sleep disorders in patients with end-stage renal disease.

Dr. Navdeep Tangri
Attending physician and Associate Professor, Division of Nephrology,
Department of Medicine and the Department of Community Health Sciences,
University of Manitoba
Scientific Director, Chronic Disease Innovation Centre at Seven Oaks General Hospital

À la fin de cette activité d’apprentissage, les participants seront mieux en mesure de :
  • Reconnaître les risques associés à une posologie sous-optimale et à l’arrêt de l’ISRAA en raison d’une hyperkaliémie chronique.
  • Repérer de manière proactive les patients atteints ou risquant d’être atteints d’hyperkaliémie chronique.
  • Optimiser l’utilisation des thérapies de protection des organes dans le cadre de la gestion de l’hyperkaliémie chronique.

Dr. Tangri is an attending physician and Associate Professor in the Division of Nephrology, Department of Medicine and the Department of Community Health Sciences at the University of Manitoba. Dr. Tangri’s research program is clinical and translational and focused on improving clinical decision making for patients with advanced chronic kidney disease. He developed and validated the Kidney Failure Risk Equation to predict the need for dialysis in patients with CKD, and is presently engaged in multiple validation and implementation exercises to increase the uptake of the KFRE. In addition, Dr. Tangri is conducting a large prospective study on frailty, physical and cognitive function in advanced CKD, as well as leading a multinational randomized trial on the safety and efficacy of a new therapy in this population. He has published over 200 manuscripts and presented at multiple national and international scientific meetings, and is a recipient of the CIHR New Investigator Award and a CIHR Foundation grant.